The Seed Newsletter
November 14, 2021
This week we will be looking at Mark 13:1-8 and paying attention to Jesus' response to the disciples who were really worried about the end of the world as they had known it to be. Some of us may have had similar worries during these pandemic days- the end of the world as we have known it. So maybe there will be wisdom to mine from Jesus to soothe us and keep us strong.
This Thanksgiving Sunday, November 21st, are going to sing the great old hymn "Bringing in the Sheaves" AND invite everyone who has been a little hesitant to be among the "sheaves" who gather for in-person worship to make this the day for your return! Bring yourselves. Bring your kids. Bring a friend. Bring all the sheaves! Oh, and let's also do one thing that is impossible while worshiping online- bring in a can or two of food from the following grocery list:
You will have an opportunity to drop off your canned "offering" in the Gathering as you make your way into the sanctuary. Then, when we sing our hymn, these offerings will be brought forward to be placed at the foot of the cross.
Make plans to join us on Sunday, November 21st to give thanks to the God who has journeyed with us during this season of trials, loss, and growth by offering a token of our appreciation!
Our first Sunday afternoon meeting is this week! Yup! It's November! (And beginning next month, it will always be on the first Sunday). But this month it is Sunday, November 14th (12:30-2).
Please let Jayna or Rick Powell know if you will be coming Sunday!
We need be sure to have enough food! Can anyone supply lunch? Pizza? Soup? Chilli? Sub sandwiches?
We'll have some fun get-to-know-you activities and make plans for the year...look at themes and all that we'll do together. And maybe even start talking about our LA work trip! COME AND BRING YOUR FAVORITE YOUTH GROUP it! There are a million!
I want to thank you for partnering with my mission to provide 84 brand new winter coats to the Ducketts Lane Elementary School children. These coats are more than just an article of clothing. It inspires hope, builds strong self-esteem, improves school attendance and contributes to their overall wellness. One little boy was so excited upon getting his coat, he started crying.
The Manager of Community Partnership of the Howard Board of Education has asked me if we were to do another drive next year, would we consider going back to Ducketts Lane, as they have over 200 students on the Free and/or Reduced Price Lunch program.
In closing, I want to offer a special thank you to all of my incredible partners at Christian Temple who have helped to provide the warmth, confidence, and hope to these 84 Ducktetts Lane Children.
Thank you,
Doug Brice
Those who have travelled through the pandemic with us know that our first move to bring worship to the masses was to create YouTube videos during the week- cobbling together various live and pre-taped videos- and sharing the finished product with the congregation on Sunday morning.
Once we began worshiping "live" in the sanctuary back in June we also began using Facebook as our platform for sharing worship over the internet. While that has worked pretty well for us, a few times we have experienced some technical difficulties with Facebook, last Sunday being a prime example.
So, this week we will be going back to using YouTube as our streaming platform. Our YouTube channel is Christian Temple (Disciples of Christ) and we will send out several reminders over the course of the week and weekend to guide people in the right direction.
Thanks to all those who so faithfully gather for online worship. Please know that our intention is to keep offering this to the congregation and to become more robust in our live streaming capacities as we go along.
Vaughn Ouellette will be leading a discussion based on the book “Stamped From The Beginning.” This book is about the history of racism and the individuals who defined it, used religion and science to justify it, and built profitable endeavors by it. The author tells how racist ideas have historically sprung from racist policies and how it was used for self-preservation of the ruling class. The book spans the period from Aristotle to Cotton Mather to Angela Davis. The book is divided into five sections with five to eight chapters per section. We plan on doing on section each Sunday.
While buying and reading the book is certainly an option, it is not a requirement to participate in the discussion. Summary materials are available in the Church Office or by requesting a copy at:
Join us on Zoom for our Nine O’Clock Forum starting Sunday, October 24 through Sunday, November 21.
9 O’Clock Forum (Sundays)
Jane Byers wanted to let everyone know about this fun Arts & Crafts show on Saturday, November 13th (9AM-2PM). CLICK HERE for more information!
Our email distribution lists are almost up-to-date, but we are concerned that we may have missed a friend or two during this process. If you know of anyone who isn't receiving the J&C and/or The Seed, please ask them to let the office know. Contact Robin at 410-747-2041 or at Thank you!
Wednesday Bible Study
The Well, Thursdays (6:30 PM)
9:00 Forum, Sundays (9 AM)
Children's Choir, Sundays (10:15- 10:45 AM)