The Seed Newsletter: March 19, 2023
Dear Christian Temple family,
Yesterday (Wednesday), I had the great privilege of volunteering at the Westowne Elementary School Book Fair. I had memories of walking into my school media center, filled to the brim with books. For some reason, I had memories of far more books but perhaps that is the nostalgia bug. It used to give me such great joy to flip through the book fair catalogue to prepare for the shopping extravaganza then walk into the media center with that great new book smell.
When I walked into Westowne's Book Fair yesterday, I was confronted with such beauty. First, all of the children whose parents didn't send them with money for the book fair got a coupon for a free book.* Then, as I was learning the check out information, I learned that a church member left a bag of spare change for when kids miscalculated their shopping totals.
An overwhelming sense of gratitude washed over me. What a joy it is to be in this community with these people who hold our neighbors with grace and dignity. Giving children the gift of reading is a gift like no other; it opens them to worlds yet unknown to them. Our church is doing that.
Friends, we have a lot to be proud of as a congregation and as a community. I hope that as our journey together develops that these opportunities to engage will only grow.
Christian Temple, you are a gift to this community. You are a gift to this pastor.
Grace and peace,
We have made a few changes to our email addresses... Feel free to reach out!
Katie Callaway- katie@christiantemple.org
John Callaway- john@christiantemple.org
Mark Wilson- mark@christiantemple.org
Robin Picanso- office@christiantemple.org
Want to craft in the afternoon? Calling all Transformers 3rd grade and below for a Sunday “Crafter-noon” event. Join Ms. Kecia after church on Sunday, March 19th for an Easter-themed Paint Party. 🎨
Kiddos will enjoy a light lunch and paint an Easter-themed door hanger. Although this event is FREE for all attendees, please RSVP so that we can provide enough supplies for all: https://forms.gle/DUX73NCWuUh9fxsw8
On Sunday, March 19th, we will kickoff our new pre-teen ministry with games, shenanigans, and some Bible study. If you have a 4th, 5th, or 6th grader, they are welcome to join Katie and John immediately following church until 1:30pm. Contact Katie or John with any questions.

My Colleagues at the University of the District of Columbia use sustainable materials in their Urban Herbs Program. They are collecting coffee containers for a project. Students will grow their herbs in recyclable containers. They will paint and decorate the containers. The container can be any size and brand of coffee or similar containers. (pictures below)
Please save your coffee containers and bring them to church. There will be a collection box.
Thanks, Amy Luking (Please email amy.schweitzer@udc.edu with questions)
As we all begin to plan for the summer, our staff needs some help in knowing what interests you. Registration for summer camps has already begun, so help provide us with an idea of what looks good to you and your children.
Adults, please fill out the survey for your children and youth as it will also give us an indicator of our overall numbers. Click this link to go to the survey: https://forms.gle/sZLu7dWkeMjo6m6M8
This is just gauging interest and is not a commitment.
We have the best opportunity before us: a whole lot of kids and a need for adults to help! Will you consider volunteering once a month (or even less often) to help Kecia wrangle and love our kids during Transformers? Click here to sign up
Please join us for The 9 O' Clock Forum. This Sunday we will begin a session for lent entitled, "This Here Flesh". Hope to see you on Zoom!
Please use this link to join us: https://zoom.us/j/91547210479
Please see the new dates below:

March 22nd (10 to Noon)
April 2nd, 19th, and 26th (9 to Noon)
Every Wednesday starting in May!
Please let you friends and neighbors know!

The Children's Choir will be meeting on March 19th (10:15 am) to practice. Hope you can make it!
Transformers will also be meeting this Sunday, March 19th. Kids will leave to participate in the program right after the Children’s Moment during our worship service. Kecia Johnson, the Education Coordinator for Christian Temple, will be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding the Transformer program and schedule.
If you know of anyone who isn't receiving the J&C and/or The Seed, please ask them to let the office know. Contact Robin at 410-747-2041 or at office@christiantemple.org. Thank you!
Nine O' Clock Forum, Sundays (9 AM), Zoom Sessions Only
Wednesday Bible Study (9:30 AM), Zoom Sessions Only
Join the Wednesday Bible Study! This group is exploring the study, “Understanding the New Testament.” The course is led by Professor David Brakke, Ph.D., and the 24 lecture series takes us behind the scenes to study not only the text of the New Testament, but also the authors and the world in which it was created. The course explores Jewish lives under Roman occupation, reflects on the apocalyptic mood of the first and second centuries A. D., witnesses the early Christians’ evangelism beyond the Jewish communities, and witnesses the birth of a faith that continues to shape our world today.
There is no need to purchase books or course materials, as the WBS coordinator distributes appropriate reading materials and a Zoom link each week for each lecture. Please join us in learning about our Christian faith, its scriptures and authors. If you have questions, please contact Vaughn Ouellette at 410-313-9661 or email: vaughn.ouellette@verizon.net.
The Official Church Board updated Christian Temple's Pandemic Preparedness Policy to more accurately reflect the current realities of the pandemic. Anyone who would like to see the policy as it now is written may CLICK HERE.